Jobb lenne, ha jonne velem itthonrom valaki az uton, mert igy egyedul leszek mint az ujjam...
Luandai magyar nagykovetseg hianyaban ma reggel irtam a luandai brit nagykovetsegnek, es mar valaszoltak is:
Dear Sir,
you for your e-mail. The British Embassy in Luanda does not have any
responsibility for Hungarian citizens. There is an EU Delegation
located in Luanda
and I would advise you to contact them. Their details are below:
Delegation of the European Union in the Republic of Angola
Edifício Rei Katyavala, Rua da Liga Nacional Africana, s/n porta C1, Maculusso - Luanda
Telephones: +244 222 393 038 / 222 391 277 / 222 391 339
Fax: +244 222 392 531 / 222 390 825
E-mail (general):delegation-angola@
E-mail (press):delegation-angola- EUDelegationinAngola
Telephones: +244 222 393 038 / 222 391 277 / 222 391 339
Fax: +244 222 392 531 / 222 390 825
E-mail (general):delegation-angola@
E-mail (press):delegation-angola-
Opening hours for the public:
Monday to Thursday: 7h30 – 12h30 / 13h00-16h00 Friday: 7h30-13h00
Monday to Thursday: 7h30 – 12h30 / 13h00-16h00 Friday: 7h30-13h00
Van facebook oldaluk is! :)
Na akkor most irok nekik is egy bejelentkezo levelet...
Na, ez azért hasznos infó ... akár már holnap de. (Friday: 7h30-13h00) elmehetsz hozzájuk. :D Az utat mindenképp derítsd fel (ha gyorsan kéne odaszaladni)!